Snowstorm 2006 final results
Final results of Snowstorm 2006 by classes and stages.
Final results of Snowstorm 2006 by classes and stages.
Off-road competition “Snowstorm 2006” Press release Already six years in row the competition season for Estonian offroaders start with the winter navigation competition “Snowstorm”. The competition takes place on…
Offroad võistlus „Lumetorm 2006” PRESSITEADE Juba kuuendat aastat järjest algab eesti offroad sportlaste võistlusaasta talvise orienteerumisvõistlusega Lumetorm. Tänavune offroad võistlus Lumetorm 2006 toimub jaanuari viimasel nädalavahetusel – 27.01.- 29.01. ja…
Snowstorm 2006 registration form in English and Russian Filled registration forms please send by Or by fax :+3726061738 ATTN:Margus Mikk
Snowstorm 2006 General Regulations
Introduction of “The Snowstorm 2006“ Another year has passed and the best riders of last year are found out. You all have an opportunity to participate in the traditional wintry…